Fins on t'arribi el braç
(As far as your arm reaches)
Directed by: Robert Molist Rossell
Production: Escac
Type: Fiction
Duration: 13:47
Process: In distribution
Year: 2022
Fins on t’arribi el braç (As far as your arm reaches) is the story of three friends who smash a dog back partying. The different points of view in what should they do with the dog will confront them and it will bring to light all their differences, their fears and what they hide. Santa, the protagonist, wants to regain the humanity they are losing as a group.

Best Dramatic Short - Mumbai Entertainment International Film Fest (India) (2023)
XXIV Ciudad Real Short Festival (2022)
Filmets - Badalona Film Festival (2022) (g)
Short Film Festival K-Lidoscopi (2023) (g)
Navarra International Film Festival NIFF (2023) (g)
Reels On Wheels - International Shorts On The Road Film Festival (2023)
Mumbai Entertainment International Film Fest (India) (2023)
Festival Internacional de Cine “CINEMA CEB” (2023)